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Project Z.O.E

  • Team size: 9

  • Dev time: 4 weeks​


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Explore an ancient ruin as Z.O.E the AI. Use your clones to solve challenging puzzles by sacrificing your clones to reach high places or propel yourself over deadly hazards. For each level you delve deeper into the ruins and ever closer to uncovering the forgotten secrets within.

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Robot Pickup

Robot Pickup

I implemented the ability to aquire additional robots for Z.O.E

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Checkpoint Implementation

I created the functionallity and implemented a checkpoint system for Z.O.E

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UI Example

UI Implementation

Implemented the UI for Z.O.E

My Contributions

Contributions Details

Acquire Robot was one of the first contributions i made for Z.O.E. It's a simple script that allows the player to add a new robots to their roster. We can also set the number of starting robots from here!

Robot Pickup

In a nutshell

The obtainable robot keeps track of when the player enters & exits the trigger box, If the player is inside the triggerbox and presses the "Pickup" button the Obtainable is replaced with a new playable robot.


Here i made it possible to set what amount of robots you should have available at the start of the level.

Aquire Robot Achor

In addition to implementing the UI in Z.O.E, I also implemented the Tutorial & Story elements

UI Example


UI buttons - gameplay coupling


Implemented UI Anchor
Checkpoint Anchor

In Z.O.E we gave the player the power to reset a puzzle and return to the most recent checkpoint at any time.

Walk into Checkpoint


Checkpoint Activated

In a nutshell

When the player enters a checkpoint's triggerBox I reset all of the dead robots back to zero. After this the triggerbox gets disabled so the player cannot activate it once it's already been activated. I then get a list of all robots currently owned by the player, I loop through this list and set their new position to the checkpoints location plus a slight offset for each robot to make them line up neatly. Then I set this Checkpoint to be the players current Checkpoint.



This function creates new Obtainables at the correct location when Resetting back to checkpoint.

Reset button pressed

In a nutshell

When the reset button is pressed I remove all elements from spawnablePlayerCharacter & deactivatedPlayerCharacters, I then proceed with spawning all owned robots at checkpoint location, I then deactivate all of the robots except the currently controlled robot. The current puzzle is then reset aswell. Finally I update the UI.

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