My Contributions
Contributions Details
The Item Placement System is core to the entire game. Manipulating items is essentually all you do in this game, so having the system work well & feel smooth was very important.

Player Character
In a nutshell
The PlayerCharacter probes with a raycast at the currently targeted object within range. Depending on the object hit, different interactions will happen.
(Place item / Swap item / Trash Item / Store item in chest)
Interact with Item / ItemHolder
In a nutshell
Once holding an item the player can swap it directly with another Item or place it in any eligible ItemHolder. If the itemHolder already Holds an Item (and the transaction is legal) the Items will swap places.
Item Holder
In a nutshell
Item slots can be customized into holding only items with the criteria chosen by the designer.
The item slot will also scan for items at the very start of the game to couple to itself to it (if an item was found & is eligible for that slot).
Dwarf Undecided is a game with Diagetic UI.
The Gold chest serves as the players "wallet".
all gold must be first be put inside of the chest to be useable.

Interact with GoldChest
In a nutshell
The goldchest will change it's mesh depending of how much gold the player has currently, An exact number of gold coins in the chest will also be displayed when looking at it closer.
Player Rewarded / Fined
In a nutshell
At the end of each day the player is rewarded with extra gold or fined depending on how well they did.
Part of this project was that we tried making a game with all of the UI imbedded in the world itself. So Letting the player know what could be interacted with or wich item-actions were legal / illegal is all visually communicated.
Interactable object either Hovers, Sparkles or Glows.

Hovering objects to draw the players attention
White outline for legal swaps / placement
Red outline for illegal swaps / placement
Small SFX plays when receiving or losing gold